Sick Child Policy
At Children’s Corner, we have sick child policies mandated by the State of Minnesota, Department of Human Services that we must follow in the event a child becomes sick while in our care. Children’s Corner also in addition has sick child policies as follows:
If a child has a fever over 100 degrees (with the addition of the 1 degree) under the arm along with other symptoms, the child will be sent home. Staff will take axillary temperatures using digital thermometers. As per directions, we will add 1 degree to the number shown for accuracy. Staff will not retake temperatures beyond what is required for the center.
If a child has an undiagnosed rash, they will remain at home until diagnosed and center provides return date.
If a child has pink eye, they will be sent home and must be treated for 24 hours before return. (if there are no other symptoms present, child may return after the full 24 hour of treatment. Please check with center on return day)
If a child has lice, ringworm, or scabies, they will be sent home until fully treated. **Please note that Children’s Corner has a “no nit, no egg” policy. Center will provide return date.
If a child has a persistent cough, they will be sent home until diagnosis of cough and then center will inform a return date.
If a child’s nose is constantly running and/or is colored in mucus.
If a child has vomited one time, the child will be sent home.
If a child has had diarrhea two times, the child will be sent home.
If a child is in general very miserable with multiple symptoms other than the ones listed above, a teacher may use his or her judgment and send the child home if the child is unable to participate in any activities here at the Center.
Please inform the childcare center of any medication that your child is taking to be sure we are aware and can share any concerns or questions with you.
If your child is sent home, he or she must be symptom free for 48 hours without the use of any pain relievers/fever reducers before he or she may come back to the Center. These rules also apply if your child gets sick at home. For example, if your child has a fever or has thrown up on Sunday, he or she can return on Wednesday. We have found that if you give your child additional days to get better, with more bed rest and lots of liquids, he or she has an easier time fighting off the next cold or flu. If your child is sent home for any part of the day, they will need to remain at home for the following two days. For example: Your child is sent home at 9:00am on Monday, they may return Thursday to childcare (home on Tuesday and Wednesday) only if they are symptom free.
The childcare center sick policies are the ones that are followed. A doctor’s note does not supersede the center’s policies.
Outside: If your child is too sick to be outside, then he or she is too sick to be at Children’s Corner.
Teachers/and or Executive Director have the final decision as to when your child can return. Please seek out clarifications if needed.
COVID Policy
If a parent or family member within the household tests positive for COVID:
Please do not enter our building until you have quarantined for 5 full days at home and only enter with a mask for the remaining 5 days (adults).
Any child from this household cannot have any symptoms if they are coming to childcare. Please be sure to have your child tested before they return, as we have witnessed negatives changing to positives within 24 hours.
Any child displaying cold symptoms from a home in which there was a positive test with a family member, will be sent home and cannot return until symptoms are gone and proof of a negative test both. Children cannot return if displaying any symptoms.
All parents are required to alert the childcare center to any positive COVID within their household.
If a child tests positive for COVID:
They are quarantined from childcare for 10 full days. The quarantine dates will be determined by the childcare center. The quarantine dates will not be debated. All parents are required to alert the childcare center to any child testing positive.
Children may not return to childcare if they still have symptoms after the 10-day quarantine. All symptoms must be gone before they return.
The childcare center will alert all families within the classroom in which there was a positive COVID contact. It is up to each individual family as to if they want to keep their child out of childcare at this time due to a close contact. We are not closing entire rooms currently because of close contacts.
At any time, the childcare center can request proof of COVID test results.
Full tuition will be charged for any illness absences, including COVID.
Policies may change on a continuous basis as guidelines may change from the state for licensed centers. Please know that we are doing our best to keep everyone healthy. Thank you for understanding.
**And because not everything is COVID – which we are aware of – please take time to review our sick child policy, as we will still be enforcing these standards as well. Please know that these policies have been updated.
Children’s Corner is a full day child care center for ages 6 weeks-Kindergarten where we focus on making learning fun! Children have opportunities to make new friends, explore, play outdoors, build, paint and do what they do best…play! Our Mission is to give each child a warm environment that encourages the development of socialization skills, independence, and a positive self-image.